Arthritis and osteoarthritis – diseases that affect the joint. They are the cause of pain with the movement, substantially reduce the quality of life. Arthritis and osteoarthritis is the difference? To understand how it differs from arthritis of osteoarthritis is necessary to know the general features, characteristics, incidence, and risk factors of each disease.

What happens with arthritis?
When this disease develops, the inflammatory process affects the whole body. Causes of the development of the disease may be the infection (infection), injury (traumatic), autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid).
The case of arthritis is present in the body all the signs of inflammation:
- The increase of the temperature of the body, the heat;
- The increase of the total protein of the blood, immunoglobulins, c-reactive protein;
- May accompany other inflammatory process, not previously detected.
That occurs when the osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by the degradation of cartilage tissue. The inflammatory process when this is localized only in the joint cavity, is the result of the deformation of the joint. As a consequence of the high loads of connection, due to advanced age, after the injury may occur by the deformation of the bones of the pieces, there is a friction between the surfaces of the joint. The result is the thinning and deformation in the cartilage tissue.

When this disease in the body there are obvious signs of inflammation:
- The increase of the local temperature (only in the area of the affected joint);
- Biochemical and general blood tests in the standard;
- Occurs when the deformation of the cartilage, does not accompany the other of the inflammation.
The similarities and differences of the diseases.
Both diseases have similarities and differences. The main similarity of the arthritis and osteoarthritis are the symptoms:
- The crunch, crunch in the movements;
- Pain;
- Limitation of the mobility;
- Swelling, redness in the affected area of the joint.
However, the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis) important than the similarities.
- Age. Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects older people, older people. Is related to the age of the degradation of the cartilage of joints. The arthritis often affects young people, is the result of a long-term infections, inflammation in the body.
- The localization of the process. Osteoarthritis develops only in the joint under the influence of the risk factors (age, frequent overload, excess weight, etc). Arthritis affects the entire body, it may cause the increase of the internal temperature of the body, the heat.
- The sensations of pain. Osteoarthritis pain in the extremities occurs in the movements, acquires a permanent character during the development of the disease. When arthritis occurs in acute, constant pain.
- The deformation of the joint. Osteoarthritis bone of the components in the connection undergo deformation due to the degradation of cartilage tissue. The arthritis does not produce changes in the articular surfaces of the bones.
- The loss of motor function of the joint. Development of the arthritis causes limitation of movement little by little. Arthritis limits the movement only in the acute period of the disease.
The difference in the causes of arthritis and osteoarthritis, the most common causes.
To better understand the difference between the two diseases, arthritis and osteoarthritis) – you must know its causes.
The causes of arthritis often become:
- Infection (viral, bacterial, fungal);
- Allergies, auto-immune diseases.
Basic requirements for the development of osteoarthritis:
- The overload of the joint (type of activity, excess weight);
- Age of the degradation of the cartilage.
In addition, there are a number of reasons common to both diseases:
- Of the injury;
- Violations of the processes of change in the body;
- The lack of income of the vitamins and minerals;
- Defects of the pathology of the bones and the cartilages.
The difference in the symptoms of the disease.
The signs of arthritis and osteoarthritis are different in their nature, degree, time of appearance.
The symptoms of the |
Arthritis |
Osteoarthritis |
1. The increase of the temperature | Increasing body temperature to 38-39C | It is possible the increase of the local temperature in the area of the affected joint |
2. The swelling | The soft tissue around the connections swell immediately | Swelling appear in the 3 stage of the disease |
3. The stiffness in the morning | Occurs all over the body | Only occurs in the affected connection |
4. The loss of motor function | Only during the acute phase of the disease | Develops gradually, leading to ankylosis (total absence of movement in the joint) |
5. The change of the shape of the joint | Does not occur | Occurs |
6. The character of the pain | Acute, constant, and is intensified in the night | Pulling, clumsy, occurs when the stronger movements in the morning. |
Due to the similarity of symptoms occurs the need of a differential diagnosis.
The diagnosis of the disease.
Correct and timely diagnosis helps to distinguish the arthritis from osteoarthritis, and assign the appropriate treatment. The main methods of diagnosis of diseases of the joints are the same:
- The x-ray;
- The ultrasound of the connection;
- Overall, the biochemical analysis of the blood;
- Arthroscopy.
The disease |
The diagnosis |
The ultrasound |
X-ray of |
A blood test |
Arthroscopy |
Osteoarthritis |
The reduction of the articulation of the slot, the irregularities in the cartilage tissue. In intra-articular fluids are present strange power. | The change of the anatomical shape of the joint, the presence of osteophytes (bone outgrowths), the cartilage of thin fabric, uneven. Within the joint of the slit to close. | The absence of signs of inflammation is the main difference of osteoarthritis, arthritis. | Osteophytes, cartilage degradation, the decrease of the indentation between the bone structures of connection. |
Arthritis |
Sinovialnye shell cartilage irregular, presence of inflammatory exudate in the joint cavity of the (pus). | Small, osteoporosis, the softening of the bone. | C-reactive protein, increased levels of alpha-, beta-globulins, the appearance in the blood of the immunoglobulins, the increase of the esr. Increases the content of uric acid, in some cases, it was observed anemia (decreased hemoglobin levels). | The appearance of erosions in the cartilage and the bone, the protrusion of the synovial membrane in the joint cavity. |
Characteristics of the treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis is a little different, is:
- Check out the syndrome of the pain and the inflammation.
- Maintain the cartilaginous tissue of the connection.
- The recovery of the motor function of the joint.
- The prevention of the recurrence (repetition).
The only difference in the treatment of arthritis is the assignment of antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal of the media, which is not prescribed for osteoarthritis. Doctors often prescription of penicillins, cephalosporins, and aminoglycosides.

When outbreaks it is necessary to the treatment in the hospital.To relieve the pain and inflammation are assigned nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin). Are assigned to the ointments with a basis of these products (Fastum gel common voltaren, deep relief). In the absence of the results of the treatment of nsaids can replace injections of corticosteroids in the capsule of the connection.
Support the cartilage of joints help the preparations of hyaluronic acid, hondroetina – hondroprotektory. Stop the degradation of the tissues of the joint, start the process of regeneration. The courses of your reception will last from 1 to 10 months, depending on the stage of the disease.
The lack of results of conservative treatment and therapies may be the cause of the target of the operation. Often go back to the arthroscopy, while the cavity of the joint, remove inflammatory exudate, pieces of cartilage, blood clots. During the last stages of deformation of the connection pass from the joint replacement surgery (replacing the artificial joint), osteotomy (the excision of the deformed bone structure).

In addition, the doctors prescribe the courses of physiotherapy and physiotherapists.
- Laser, magnetic, ultrasound therapy;
- The electrophoresis;
- Massage;
- The medicinal baths (mud, salt);
- Reflexology (acupuncture).
Therapeutic exercise is carried out exclusively in the conditions of the institution, under the supervision of a physician physiatrist. It controls the level of load in the joints, of the correct execution of the exercises.
The prevention of arthritis and arthrosis.
Protect the joints can obey some simple rules:
- The load of the connection must be moderate. The excess of weight, frequent training with serious frictions create a hazard for the free of congestion. In addition, the probability of injury increases exponentially.
- Correct, balanced diet. The daily ration should include all the necessary vitamins and minerals. When insufficient food is must take supplements of vitamin-mineral complexes.
- Women must give up to frequent, long-term use of high-heeled shoes. Every inch of heel increases the load on the spine, with 10 kg, of knees, of 20.
- Protect your joints from the cold. Arthritis, unlike osteoarthritis, occurs as a result of the infection, the low temperatures contribute to its dissemination in the body.
Arthritis and osteoarthritis can become a serious problem in the life of an active person, regardless of age. The pain and stiffness in the extremities very diminish the quality of life, are the cause of the loss of functioning, disability. It is important to understand that the differences of the diseases, it's time to see a specialist – it will bring out the differential diagnosis, tell you to cure arthritis and osteoarthritis.